Tuesday, February 23, 2010

HW # 41 Initial Internet research on Schooling

1. Chris Carlson.
Venezuela Launches New “Bolivarian” Education Curriculum. http://www.venezuelanalysis.com/news/2616
September 19 2007

This article is about how Venezuela's current president Hugo Chavez is changing the curriculum in both Public and private schools. It notes the amount of income that is dedicated to education. Chavez also explained how some subjects in the new curriculum will be left behind.

Hugo Chavez intends to completely change a perfectly well rounded school system into a more leftist curriculum. Chavez "criticized education systems that are based on capitalist values". My prediction is that he will try to brainwash students into having leftist believes.

2. Venezuela, Caracas: International School of Caracas

The international school of Caracas is a private school in Caracas, Venezuela. It's curriculum is similar to that of U.S. college preparatory school. It is comprised of two semesters just like in high schools in the U.S.

The international school of Caracas is one of the most prestigious schools in Venezuela. One could say that it is like "Unis" in the U.S. My uncle attended this school and is benefited him because he was able to network from people all over the world. He also learned how to speak fluent English before graduating. This school is also very similar to the school I attended in Venezuela (Instituto Cumbres de Caracas). The curriculum that the International School of Caracas follows which is the same as the one in the U.S. which is very beneficial in preparing students for the real world.

3. Daniel J Flynn. Howard Zinn's Biased History
June 09, 2003

This article talks about how history classes in schools are biased. It focuses on historian author Howard Zinn.

Schools in the U.S. are biased when it comes to teaching history. Some schools such as SOF are required to read Howard Zinn's books which is very one sided. Howard Zinn was a very leftist man who supported all activist groups that wanted more "equality" in the 20th century. This made me realize that everything we learn in our history classes is biased and we need to always look at both point of views and have our own opinion on things. a quote about Howard Zinn's writings in the article also reminded me about something you said today, that Copeland is the type of teacher that wants their students to be activist and more radical. "Many of those copies are assigned readings for courses in colleges and high schools taught by leftist disciples of their radical mentor."

4. Chavez warns private schools to toe state line

September 17, 2007

This is similar to the first article about how Venezuela's president is changing the curriculum in public schools and private schools. Chavez is leading the school towards a more "socialist ideology". It also emphasizes on the change of books that will be used in the new curriculum.

Students will be taught with "old grade textbooks from the 1970's" which only impedes the advancement of learning of students because the ideas and techniques will be irrelevant in today's world. President Chavez also claims that he wants to create his own ideology "creative and diverse". This would be very inefficient because if students are taught to be a certain way that is different to the rest of the world, they will not be capable of fitting into the 'system" of any other country.

5. Dan Lips. Venezuela's Education Lesson

This article is also very similar to the one above. Hugo Chavez's claims that his new curriculum will include lessons by leftist leaders such as Karl Marx, Fidel Castro, and Ernesto "Che" Guevara. It also claims that Chavez move follows the tradition of the Soviet union in order to brain-wash the the students and drift toward totalitarianism.

Chavez wants to change the school's curriculum in Venezuela in order to make students have communists believes at a young age. Being taught mandatory lessons by Communists leaders will make students will more close minded and will not be capable of social survival in any other societies. By brainwashing students he is achieving totalitarianism in the state which reminds me of the book 1984.

6.K.C. Johnson. Bias in the history Profession
October 09, 2003

7.Chris Carlson. President Chavez Defends Venezuela’s New School Curriculumhttp://www.venezuelanalysis.com/news/2646
September 25, 2007


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