Sunday, March 7, 2010

HW # 42

Hugo Chavez should not make any changes to the school's curriculum in Venezuela because it will only delay the minds of the people. Chavez should maintain the curriculum the way it is which is very similar to the one in the U.S. or try to modernize it in order for students to be more opinionated and live a more satisfying life.

By changing the curriculum the way Hugo Chavez desires, will only backtrack society and impede them from being socially accepted in any other state because their way of thinking will not follow the "system". Students will be taught from old textbooks that are not used for schooling anywhere else and brainwashed into believe that there is only one right way of living. This makes people close minded and unable to look towards advancement in society. If the Venezuelan's school curriculum where to be changed, it should be towards and a more open environment where students will be taught different ideas from all over the world and let them have their own opinion on life

Life experiences are what matter because all we have at the end is our memories. In order to live a more fulfilled life we must explore and have adventures that will teach us instead of sitting in a classroom being surveilled for a large part of the day. I believe that kids should still go to school but that it should not take away their freedom to explore and experiences new things. Life experiences are also important because they shape us and make us who we are today. It also teaches us how to interact with people and understand what is accepted in the social world. It can also open our minds to new ideas for a political system that actually works.

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