Monday, May 10, 2010

ISTJ - "Trustee". Decisiveness in practical affairs. Guardian of time- honored institutions. Dependable. 11.6% of total population.
Free Jung Personality Test (similar to Myers-Briggs/MBTI)

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

HW # 50

John Gatto: Teacher of the year acceptance

Schools and schooling have become irrelevant to our society. People do not believe anymore that scientists are trained in science class, poets in English classes and politicians in civics classes. The only thing they teach us is how to obey orders. How to be a good little robot and follow orders. An example is that when the school bell rings, we must put our notebook back in our backpacks and go directly to our next class. The amount of kids being home schooled by their parents has grown significantly. The education press reported that kids who are home schooled seem to be five or ten years ahead in their way of thinking compared to students in formal school systems.

Fortunately SOF is not a school that completely trains the students to obey and follow orders. Because we have classes that teach us about life and how to think for ourselves, we are able to analyze things better and know when we are following the "system" of life. SOF does not even have bells that ring in order to let us know that our current class has ended and a new one has begun which I find great because I detest the sound of does bells. Gatto mentions that the United States has the highest teenage suicide rate and they are mostly rich kids. Most rich kids go to private schools where the system is much stricter and students are turned into obedient little robots who are unable to really think for themselves and are not really opinionated. This may cause them depression or meaninglessness in their life and therefore they decide to commit suicide. I feel like home schooling is the most affecting method of learning because the student is in a safe environment and has nobody else to distract them. One way of home schooling is personal tutoring, which is basically home schooling but for a shorter amount of time. I had a tutor when i was a young kid and I still remember small lessons and techniques she used in order to teach me. Does classes were very affective because they were focused on only me so if i did not understand something, the teacher would explain it to me differently until i did. Home schooling probably makes students years ahead of regular school kids in their ability to think because they might be taught only things that will actually be useful in their future life and everything else is learned by personal choice.

Interview With Lisa Delpit

Delpit's goal is make sure that schools will have the skills required to insure an education that will work for lower class African-Americans. Delpit also discusses that teachers do not do a good job uncovering the brilliance of the children. That a student's brilliance should not be judged by the test scores they have. Arts are one of the things that appeal children the most. Arts could be incorporated into a regular class in order to get the kids more interested and focused.

50% black people do not graduate high school, trying to change the system in order to change that fact is a good goal. There must be something wrong with the system if the rate is not changing and something must be done. I am pretty sure that if 50% of the Caucasian students would not graduate high school, the institution system of school will be changed so they would be capable of graduating. I agree that testing can not be the way a teacher judges a student's intelligence because what if it is a student that just arrived from another country and his system of solving math problems is different? but yet, he was the best math student in his class. Or a a kid who was an amazing writer in his home country but he can not write well in english because he barely knows how to speak it. However for the most common cases which are people from their home country, it could be that they are not good test takers, yet they will be able to explain everything that has been taught in class with deep insight and great analysis better than anyone else. I also agree that art is a great way of appealing to students. It gives them an opportunity to express themselves and keeps them entertained. By incorporating art into regular classes, kids will pay more attention and have more fun in the class which will result to a higher understanding of the lessons.

Paulo Freire, Pedagogy of the Oppressed

Teachers are the depositors and students are the depositories. As long as the teacher has deposited all his demanded knowledge, he has done his job. It does not matter if it is relevant to the real world or not. The teacher teaches and the student "mechanically" memorizes it. teachers do not really know anything that could help the student and the student is considered ignorant because of his acceptance to the teacher's worthless lessons. The result to this situatin is to abandon the educational goal of deposit-making and replace it with the problems of human beings that is reelevant to the real world. To reject statements and actualize discussion in order to increase our consciousness.

Lessons that are detached from reality and are just useless facts have no meaning. These lessons alienates us from the real world, it gives us less time to our ability to think for ourselves and have our own criteria in life. In SOF we have classes that by having discussions and expressing our own ideas , we are able to have a better way of thinking and be clearer on what our opinions and ideas are in life. This is an advantage because when we graduate we will be ahead in a mental sense compared to many students that followed the formal school system.

Monday, March 8, 2010

HW 44

In his speech, Obama claims that it is our individual responsibility to be successful. That we can have the "best teachers, most supporting parents and none of it will matter unless we put in the hard work it takes to succeed". We all have something to offer and we have to figure out what it is, and that is the opportunity an education can provide. He uses examples such as how a student can potentially be a writer or a scientist , but the student might not know it until they have written their essay for English class or done their lab experiment for science class. It is up to us as individuals and not as a whole to succeed. In order to have a good job and work for an institution we must need and education in a school.
August 30, 2009

Since there is no aiming towards a specific work field/institution in a liberal arts education, many think of it as a waste of time and money. However it can help students improve their insights in "critical thinking, clear communication, collaboration, an appreciation for diverse points of view, the ability to approach a problem from multiple perspectives, ethical judgment and lifelong learning skills". These students will be able to think outside the box and think of alternatives when predicament occurs on the job unlike the "robots" that have been trained to specialize on one topic. This will make it easier for liberal art students to get jobs because they will be more beneficial for any institution. Liberal arts education is also used to guide students towards a career by helping them find matches between their skills and their interests. Also by internships.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

HW # 42

Hugo Chavez should not make any changes to the school's curriculum in Venezuela because it will only delay the minds of the people. Chavez should maintain the curriculum the way it is which is very similar to the one in the U.S. or try to modernize it in order for students to be more opinionated and live a more satisfying life.

By changing the curriculum the way Hugo Chavez desires, will only backtrack society and impede them from being socially accepted in any other state because their way of thinking will not follow the "system". Students will be taught from old textbooks that are not used for schooling anywhere else and brainwashed into believe that there is only one right way of living. This makes people close minded and unable to look towards advancement in society. If the Venezuelan's school curriculum where to be changed, it should be towards and a more open environment where students will be taught different ideas from all over the world and let them have their own opinion on life

Life experiences are what matter because all we have at the end is our memories. In order to live a more fulfilled life we must explore and have adventures that will teach us instead of sitting in a classroom being surveilled for a large part of the day. I believe that kids should still go to school but that it should not take away their freedom to explore and experiences new things. Life experiences are also important because they shape us and make us who we are today. It also teaches us how to interact with people and understand what is accepted in the social world. It can also open our minds to new ideas for a political system that actually works.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

HW # 41 Initial Internet research on Schooling

1. Chris Carlson.
Venezuela Launches New “Bolivarian” Education Curriculum.
September 19 2007

This article is about how Venezuela's current president Hugo Chavez is changing the curriculum in both Public and private schools. It notes the amount of income that is dedicated to education. Chavez also explained how some subjects in the new curriculum will be left behind.

Hugo Chavez intends to completely change a perfectly well rounded school system into a more leftist curriculum. Chavez "criticized education systems that are based on capitalist values". My prediction is that he will try to brainwash students into having leftist believes.

2. Venezuela, Caracas: International School of Caracas

The international school of Caracas is a private school in Caracas, Venezuela. It's curriculum is similar to that of U.S. college preparatory school. It is comprised of two semesters just like in high schools in the U.S.

The international school of Caracas is one of the most prestigious schools in Venezuela. One could say that it is like "Unis" in the U.S. My uncle attended this school and is benefited him because he was able to network from people all over the world. He also learned how to speak fluent English before graduating. This school is also very similar to the school I attended in Venezuela (Instituto Cumbres de Caracas). The curriculum that the International School of Caracas follows which is the same as the one in the U.S. which is very beneficial in preparing students for the real world.

3. Daniel J Flynn. Howard Zinn's Biased History
June 09, 2003

This article talks about how history classes in schools are biased. It focuses on historian author Howard Zinn.

Schools in the U.S. are biased when it comes to teaching history. Some schools such as SOF are required to read Howard Zinn's books which is very one sided. Howard Zinn was a very leftist man who supported all activist groups that wanted more "equality" in the 20th century. This made me realize that everything we learn in our history classes is biased and we need to always look at both point of views and have our own opinion on things. a quote about Howard Zinn's writings in the article also reminded me about something you said today, that Copeland is the type of teacher that wants their students to be activist and more radical. "Many of those copies are assigned readings for courses in colleges and high schools taught by leftist disciples of their radical mentor."

4. Chavez warns private schools to toe state line

September 17, 2007

This is similar to the first article about how Venezuela's president is changing the curriculum in public schools and private schools. Chavez is leading the school towards a more "socialist ideology". It also emphasizes on the change of books that will be used in the new curriculum.

Students will be taught with "old grade textbooks from the 1970's" which only impedes the advancement of learning of students because the ideas and techniques will be irrelevant in today's world. President Chavez also claims that he wants to create his own ideology "creative and diverse". This would be very inefficient because if students are taught to be a certain way that is different to the rest of the world, they will not be capable of fitting into the 'system" of any other country.

5. Dan Lips. Venezuela's Education Lesson

This article is also very similar to the one above. Hugo Chavez's claims that his new curriculum will include lessons by leftist leaders such as Karl Marx, Fidel Castro, and Ernesto "Che" Guevara. It also claims that Chavez move follows the tradition of the Soviet union in order to brain-wash the the students and drift toward totalitarianism.

Chavez wants to change the school's curriculum in Venezuela in order to make students have communists believes at a young age. Being taught mandatory lessons by Communists leaders will make students will more close minded and will not be capable of social survival in any other societies. By brainwashing students he is achieving totalitarianism in the state which reminds me of the book 1984.

6.K.C. Johnson. Bias in the history Profession
October 09, 2003

7.Chris Carlson. President Chavez Defends Venezuela’s New School Curriculum
September 25, 2007


Sunday, February 7, 2010

Art Project from Juan Soteldo on Vimeo.

What insights about cool does the art integrate? What do you hope people will realize or question from their encounter with your art?

I think that being original is cool. Each characters paints something different on the wall which demonstrates their individuality.

Describe the process of making the project - how'd you do each step?

The first thing I did was draw all characters and the background. Then I set the background up against a walland took a picture every time i moved a character. Then I edited all the pictures. Then I put all the pictures together and made it a video.

Does making art seem cool to you? Why or why not?

I think making art is cool because it shows creativity. It can also show talent.